
Friday Jan 22, 2021
Episode 92: What To-Dos Should You Be Checking Off Your List During Lockdown
Friday Jan 22, 2021
Friday Jan 22, 2021
Lockdown is getting pretty tough on all of us. This week on Think Smart, Rob and Mike look at what we can do to keep ourselves occupied. Let's start checking off some of those need-to-dos that we keep putting off.

Friday Jan 15, 2021
Friday Jan 15, 2021
How much control do you want to have of your portfolio? Find out what simple choices you can make to stay successful. We discuss the fundamental differences and problems between heavily weighted fixed income or equity portfolios and what we believe is the undisputable smart choice. Fear often over-shadows historical data to the detriment of investors. Learn how to escape the mistakes investors continue to make.
Today on ThinkSmart.

Friday Jan 08, 2021
Episode 90: What Continuing Trends Can We Expect To See in 2021?
Friday Jan 08, 2021
Friday Jan 08, 2021
How will Canada and the world begin to tackle their trillions of dollars in debt? Will increasing taxes be their only option, and if so, which tax type will make it possible? We see movement and changes everywhere we look. Retail is struggling while social media is thriving. Is the department store well and truly dead? Which way will the interest rate be heading? Even the real estate markets are changing in ways we could not have predicted.
Listen today to hear our prognosis for the coming year.

Friday Jan 01, 2021
Episode 89: Robo - Advisors: Are They Really The Future of Investing?
Friday Jan 01, 2021
Friday Jan 01, 2021
No one would argue that AI is not doing miraculous things in all areas of our modern lives. We see an elimination of errors, and lengthy, monotonous tasks are often completed at record speed and with great efficiency. Still, they are missing one thing - the human element. Robo-advisors have become very good at some basic aspects of portfolio management but lack a certain amount of foresight. They cannot wholly comprehend a client's financial situation's variables, personalities, or complexity. Today on ThinkSmart, we discuss both the pros and cons of Robo-Advisors.

Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Episode 88: Dangers in the Market
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
There are sharks in the water that will never change. However, you can always rely on the efficiency of the financial market. Nowadays, when news is disseminated instantaneously, it's hard to keep track of any given situation. Rob and Mike discuss the beauty of the free market system and how it remains constant through time.

Friday Dec 18, 2020
Episode 87: Financial Evil #4: Solutions For Avoiding Financial Indecency
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Friday Dec 18, 2020
The media can be a veritable lion's den. Every agency, publication, newspaper, commercial, or newsfeed is grasping for your view and your time. Each one working harder than the next to sell you their idea. In this minefield of information, how do you understand what to do and what information is rational? As an investor, the feat is practically impossible. Statistics manipulate, factoids are deceptive. What can you do to avoid being a sucker for financial proselytization? Today on ThinkSmart, learn how to navigate financial indecency.

Friday Dec 11, 2020
Episode 86: Financial Evil #4: Financial Indecency
Friday Dec 11, 2020
Friday Dec 11, 2020
We all know the media's impact on our mindset, and our decision-making is huge, but how does it affect our thought process when making financial decisions? It's important to remember that a large part of the media's job is to entertain. It's not always about getting you all the facts but more often about keeping you engaged long enough to see the advertising or the commercial.
Not surprisingly, people turn to important people for advice, such as doctors, lawyers, friends, and family. If we look at the data on who people most often get alternative financial advice from, the results are surprising but do you see a teacher about your broken arm?
We discuss how armchair advice can do more harm than good and we take a look into this not so uncommon idea of Financial Pornography.
This and more today on ThinkSmart!

Friday Nov 27, 2020
Episode 84: Financial Evils Part 6: Solutions for Eliminating Debt
Friday Nov 27, 2020
Friday Nov 27, 2020
Today we discuss how we can eliminate one of the biggest evils in our financial lives; debt. It can be as simple as creating a budget, paying yourself first and looking at your options when it comes to mortgage debt. Rob and Mike go into the details of these and many more strategies to help you get on the right track with your savings and expenses.
This and More Today on Think Smart!

Friday Nov 20, 2020
Episode 83: - Financial Evils Part 5 The 3rd Financial Evil: Debt
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Friday Nov 20, 2020
The credit market in Canada is now 28 billion dollars. 50% of all Canadians are facing insolvency. How are we functioning with all this debt and what are some of the common and most detrimental mistakes that lead us into this inescapable prison? What is the connection between investing and debt? Discover this and more today on ThinkSmart!

Friday Nov 13, 2020
Episode 82: Financial Evils Part 4: 10 Strategies to Reduce Your Tax Bill
Friday Nov 13, 2020
Friday Nov 13, 2020
The ins and outs of TFSAs. How to tax allocate your portfolio from interest income from your GICs. How to use REITS to your advantage. Where should your fixed investments and equities live? The tax implications of active investing vs passive investing. How and when to trigger a capital loss. This and More today on Think Smart.